CorInnova device delivery. (A–C) Fluoroscopic images
showing use of the deployment tube and self-deploying wire frame to successfully
place the device in the pericardial sac. (D) The surgeon pushes the device out of
the delivery tube and into the pericardial sac. Deployment with this method has a
success rate of 100% to date and an average placement time of 20 seconds once
the tube is placed at the pericardial opening. Fig. 8A–C, adapted from [44] Hord
EC, Bolch CM, Tuzun E, Cohn WE, Leschinsky B, Criscione JC. Evaluation of the
CorInnova heart assist device in an acute heart failure model. The Journal of
Cardiovascular Translational Research. 2019; 12: 155–163, under
Creative Commons License CC BY
4.0 ( Fig. 8D courtesy of CorInnova, Inc.