Table 2.
Authors (Year)/ Location |
Study Design | Cancer Stages | Samples(N)/ F(%)/ Mean Age [Range] |
Primary Regimens | Chemotoxicity Measures | Prevalence of Top Moderate-to-Severe Chemotoxicity Subgroups |
Brown et al. (2022) [36]/ USA |
P | Colon/ II-III |
533/ F56%/ 59 [47–70] |
5-FU | Physicians’ chart and progress note review | Discontinuation of chemotherapy (13%) |
Cespedes Feliciano et al. (2017) [37]/USA | P | Colon/ II-IV |
533/ F55.4%/ 59 [no data] |
5-FU | Physicians’ chart and progress note review and EMR ICD9 codes | Early discontinuation (36%)/ Neuropathy (24.1%) |
Decoster et al. (2018) [38]/Europe | P | Older Adults mCRC/ IV |
252/ F38%/ 77 [69–91] |
5-FU | Physicians’ chart and progress note review | Vascular toxicity (35%)/ GI toxicity (13.6%) |
Grimes, C. (2022) [42]/ USA |
R | CRC/III | 89/ F58%/ 62 [no data] |
5-FU | Physicians’ chart and progress note review | Diarrhea (6.7%)/ Nausea (5.6%) |
Looijaard et al. (2020) [47]/Europe | P | Older Adults Colon/III |
53/ F45%/ 71 [68–74] |
5-FU | Physicians’ chart and progress note review | Dose reduction/ incompletion (52.8%) |
Note: CRC: colorectal cancer; EMR: electronic medical record; F: female; 5-FU: 5-Fluorouracil; GI: gastrointestinal; ICD-9: international classification of diseases, 9th Revision (ICD-9); mCRC: metastasis CRC; and PRO-CTCAE: patient-reported outcomes version of the common terminology criteria for adverse events.