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FIG. 5.

FIG. 5

Trans-cleavage analysis of the proteolytic activity of the proteinase encoded by FCV ORF1. Posttranslation or cotranslation incubation of radiolabeled TNT products derived from plasmid pETFΔB with those derived from plasmid pVPP or pPro was performed. Labeled in vitro-translation products derived from plasmids pPro (lane 1) and pETFΔB (lane 2) are shown. The radiolabeled pETFΔB-protein was incubated prior to analysis by SDS-PAGE with nonradiolabeled translation products synthesized from pVPP (lane 3) or from pPro (lane 5). Cotranslation analysis of plasmids pETFΔB and pVPP (lane 4) was also done.