(a) Map of New Zealand (where regions are categorised by District Health Board (DHB)), Australia (dark grey), and the rest of the world (light grey). (b) Number of RSV-A genomes sampled per region, where colours correspond to those in (a). (c) Root-to-tip regression analysis of RSV-A genomes versus sampling time. (d) Maximum likelihood time-scaled phylogenetic tree showing 756 RSV-A genomes sampled from New Zealand (coloured circles based on DHB region), 662 RSV-A genomes sampled from Australia (dark grey) and 2,913 RSV-A genomes sampled from the rest of the world (light grey). A yellow vertical bar highlights the year 2021 and a dotted box shows the major New Zealand clades sampled. (e-f) Maximum likelihood time-scaled phylogenetic trees showing the major clades sampled in New Zealand during 2021 and their closest sampled genetic relatives.