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Informative-site analysis of 95CM61 and 96CM61

Genome Subtype Region (nt) No. of informative sitesa
95CM61.56 A 1208–1454 8 3 2
G 1509–1686 2 3 7
A 1773–3007 49 15 16
95CM61.20 A 1208–1346 6 2 1
D 1379–1456 1 8 0
G 1509–1688 2 3 7
A 1775–3004 49 17 16
95CM61.34 A 1208–1454 8 2 2
G 1509–1686 1 2 8
D 1760–2002 1 15 3
A 2113–3016 36 14 12
95CM61.49 A 1208–1346 6 2 2
D 1379–3006 23 85 25
96CM61.2 A 1208–1454 9 2 2
G 1509–1686 0 2 8
D 1760–2002 1 16 3
A 2113–3019 43 15 12
96CM61.4 A 1208–1346 5 2 1
D 1379–3021 20 84 24
96CM61.5 A 1208–1454 9 2 2
G 1509–1686 0 2 8
D 1760–3031 12 58 17

The distribution of informative sites supporting each of three lineages is presented in columns A, D, and G. In column A, the apparent recombinant is most closely related to a representative of subtype A (HIV-1U455); in column D, it is most closely related to a representative of subtype D (HIV-1NDK); and in column G, it is most closely related to a strain of subtype G (HIV-192NG083.2).