TEM sections of spermatids. (A) Transverse section of a young spermatid, in which it is possible to observe the Golgi apparatus (G), the acrosome vesicle (av), the nucleus (N), the mitochondrial derivative (md), the basal body (bb), the pericentriolar material (pcm) and part of the MTOC (arrowheads). (B–F) Sections of advanced spermatids showing the elongated acrosome (A) hosted in a longitudinal groove of the nucleus (arrows). N, nucleus; md, mitochondrial derivative; pcm, pericentriolar material; arrowheads, MTOC. (G,H): transverse sections of advanced spermatid with different chromatin condensation. Note in (G) a dotted condensation, while in (H) the chromatin assumes a filamentous appearance. N, nucleus; A, acrosome; mt, microtubules.