Figure 3.
Multiple factor analysis (MFA) of standardized primary and secondary leaf compounds (TCC: total chlorophyll content; TCarC: total carotenoid content; TAC: total anthocyanin content; TPC: total phenolic content; FC: flavonoid content (expressed as CEs, catechin equivalents, or QEs, quercetin equivalents); Dualex chlorophyll (Chl) index; and Dualex flavonol (Flav) index) for group means (specified by treatment, leaf age, and date), displayed as points for the six treatments with confidence ellipses (β = 0.95; (b)), i.e., non-treated and non-stressed (control; light blue), non-treated and salt-stressed (dark blue), primed and non-stressed (light red), primed and salt-stressed (dark red), BTH-treated and non-stressed (yellow), and BTH-treated and salt-stressed (orange), or displayed as arrows for input parameters (a). MFA was performed on the active variable treatment as well as the supplementary variables: leaf age and date. The color gradient in (a) indicates the contributions of the variables to the dimensions (Dim).