Figure A7.
Multiple factor analysis (MFA) of standardized vegetation indices of tomato leaves (a), as well as primary and secondary compounds (TCC: total chlorophyll content; TCarC: total carotenoid content; TAC: total anthocyanin content; TPC: total phenolic content; FC: flavonoid content (expressed as CEs, catechin equivalents, or QEs, quercetin equivalents); Dualex chlorophyll (Chl) index; Dualex flavonol (Flav) index; Brix: dissolved sugar content; TA: titratable acidity) in leaves (b) and fruits (c) for group means (specified by treatment and either leaf age for leaf parameters and date or stage of harvest for fruit parameters), displayed as points grouped according to the young (light blue) or mature (light red) age of leaves (a,b) and the early (light blue), intermediate (yellow), or late (light red) stage of harvest (c) with confidence ellipses (β = 0.95). MFA was performed on the active variable, i.e., treatment, and the supplementary variables, i.e., date and leaf age for leaves and stage of harvest for fruits, as well as fruit color indices: a/b, color index, color difference (with) true red, and hue angle.