Fig. 1.
CT parameters used for diagnosis of PLC injury. CT sagittal images (A, C, E, G) showing (A) measurement of the UAVH and UPVH (red lines), AVH and PVH (yellow lines), LAVH and LPVH (blue lines); (C) measurement of LK (yellow dashed lines), RK (red dashed lines), GDA (blue dashed lines); (E) ISD >4 mm (yellow line) compared with adjacent levels (red lines); (G) a SPF (yellow circle). CT axial images (B, D, F) showing (B) measurement of the MSD (yellow line), TD (blue line) and direct measurement of TCA (red line); (D) FJW (red circle); (F) bilateral FJM (yellow arrows). CT coronal image (I) showing unilateral horizontal laminar fracture (blue circle). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)