Figure 1.
The effects of transformed epithelial ovarian cancer cells (ID8) implantation underneath the ovarian bursa of C57BL6 mice. 1 × 106 ID8 cells were injected underneath the ovarian bursa (A) and developed for 42–48, 72–78 and 83–107 days (45 Day, 75 Day and 90 Day time points respectively). Control mice were injected with identical volumes of PBS and aged for 72–78 days. Primary ovarian tumour mass was measured at sacrifice (B, n = 21–24). Noticeable metastasis of ovarian cancer cells occurred by the 90-day time point and were photographed for qualitative assessment (C). Hematoxylin & eosin staining was used to assess mononuclear cell infiltration as an index of metastasis (D, n = 4–7, E Representative images; original magnification, ×20). Mice developed ascites after ∼75 days of ovarian cancer (F) and were tapped to prolong their survival (G & H, n = 24). Volitional wheel running (I, n = 8–11) and grip strength (J, n = 11–12) were used to assess voluntary motor function. Body weights were also measured every week and the delta weekly body weight (BW) was analyzed (K, n = 22–24). Tibia length (L, n = 11–12), peak body weight (M, n = 22–24), and final primary ovarian tumour-free body weight (N, n = 22–24) were also assessed. Percent change from peak body weight to final body weight was analyzed (O, n = 22–24). Results represent mean ± SD. Lettering denotes statistical significance when different from each other (p < 0.05). All data was analyzed using a one-way ANOVA and followed by a two-stage step-up method of Benjamini, Krieger and Yukutieli multiple comparisons test. Data that was not normally distributed was analyzed with a Kruskal–Wallis test followed by the same post-hoc analysis. C57BL/6J female mice ∼75 days post PBS injection as controls (CTRL); C57BL/6J female mice ∼45 days post ovarian cancer injection (45 Days); C57BL/6J female mice ∼75 days post ovarian cancer injection (75 Days); C57BL/6J female mice ∼90 days post ovarian cancer injection (90 Days).