Contour plots of GISAXS scattering projection integrations taken during first compression (A), first decompression (B), and second compression (C) cycles of 7.14 nm diameter Fe2O3 nanocrystals at the air–water interface. The film was compressed and then decompressed at 0.5 mm/min with scattering images taken approximately every 10 sec. The film was compressed from a surface coverage of 0.72 to 1.2, however scattering beyond a surface coverage of 0.95 (not shown) resulted in blocking of the X-ray beam by the moving barrier. (D) Plot of edge-to-edge separation vs. surface coverage during the first compression (■), first decompression (♦), and second compression (▲) cycles. Calculation of the edge-to-edge separation was determined from the peak position of the {10} Bragg rod.