In vivo characterization of safety and immunogenicity of YF-ZIK from 1 L STR batches. (a) AG129 mice inoculated i.p. with high (104 PFU) or low (102 PFU) doses of YF-ZIK derived from HEKDyn and pIX cells; doses for Veroadh-derived YF-ZIK were about 2.7× higher. (b,c) Body weight evolution after vaccination with a low (b) or high dose (c) of Veroad- (gray squares), HEKDyn- (brown diamonds), and pIX-derived YF-ZIK (blue circles), or sham (asterisk). (d) Reciprocal nAb kinetics after vaccination for both low (full symbols) and high (hollow symbols) doses of Veroadh- (gray), HEKDyn- (brown) and pIX (blue)-derived YF-ZIK. Low and high doses separated by dashed line. (e) Reciprocal nAb titers on day 28 p.i. after vaccination with YF-ZIK batches. Data mean ± SEM (b,c) or median ± IQR (d,e). Two-tailed Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison, significant p values * < 0.05 and ** <0.01 as indicated.