Table 1.
Model Inputs
Variable | Base-Case Values | Distribution | Source |
Interarrival time: Status Quo patients (days) | 3.55 | Exponential | Melum, 2020 11 |
Interarrival time: CRLM patients (days) | |||
1 CRLM patients annually | 365.00 | Exponential | Scenario analysis |
2 CRLM patients annually a | 182.50 | Exponential | Expert opinion |
3 CRLM patients annually | 121.67 | Exponential | Scenario analysis |
4 CRLM patients annually b | 91.25 | Exponential | Expert opinion |
5 CRLM patients annually | 73.00 | Exponential | Scenario analysis |
6 CRLM patients annually | 60.83 | Exponential | Scenario analysis |
7 CRLM patients annually | 52.14 | Exponential | Scenario analysis |
8 CRLM patients annually | 45.63 | Exponential | Scenario analysis |
9 CRLM patients annually | 40.56 | Exponential | Scenario analysis |
10 CRLM patients annually | 36.50 | Exponential | Scenario analysis |
Interarrival time between livers (in days) | 3.18 | Exponential | Melum, 2020 11 |
Blood type distribution | A (49%), B (8%), AB (4%), 0 (39%) | Discrete | Heier, 2020 13 |
Listed for retransplantation | 13.40% | Binomial | Fosby et al., 2015 12 |
Receive retransplantation | on being listed | 74.90% | Binomial | Fosby et al., 2015 13 |
Withdrawn from waiting list per year | 6% | Binomial | Expert opinion |
CRLM, colorectal cancer liver-only metastases.
Predicted number of Norwegian CRLM patients eligible under SECA II criteria.
Predicted number of Norwegian CRLM patients eligible under SECA I criteria.