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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Jul 28.
Published in final edited form as: Contraception. 2016 Jul 18;94(6):650–667. doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2016.07.011

Table 2.

Evidence table for use of tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) with hormonal contraception

Author, year, funding
Design Study population Exposure psychotropic drug Exposure contraceptive Outcomes Results Strengths Limitations Quality
Clinical studies for TCAs
Beaumont, G. 1973
 Funding source not stated
Retrospective cohort with nested case control 114 female patients with depression taking clomipramine
30 OC users/18 completed
84 non-OC users/18 matched non-OC users completed
Clomipramine OCs Response of depression to clomipramine (not otherwise defined) No difference in drop-out rate due to side effects (22 vs. 23%)
No difference in treatment response
No qualitative difference in type of side effects
Non-OC users matched by age, clomipramine dose, previous treatment, type of depression and physician Multiple OC formulations/doses used
Dose(s) of clomipramine not stated
Unclear how outcomes defined or measured, no statistics reported
High dropout rate (22–23% in each group)
Follow-up time not reported
II-2, poor
Gringras, M. 1980.
 Funding source not stated
 (PK outcomes reported in John, Seldrup and Luscombe)
Prospective cohort Women with depression age 18–40 suitable for treatment with clomipramine
21 COC users/15 completed
25 non-OC users/20 completed
Clomipramine 25 mg orally at bedtime for 4 weeks COC use (any type with either 0.015 or 0.03 mg EE) for>2 months GPCR
rating scale
at 0,2,4 weeks
GPCR depression scores, at baseline➔4 weeks
COC users-28.1➔ 10.9
Non-OC users-22.4 ➔ 8.5
No difference in side effects.
No statistics performed
Unclear how COC
use was measured with a mix of doses and formulations used
Groups not similar at onset with regard to initial severity of depression.
Unclear if statistics performed on differences in individual side effects.
II-2, poor
PK studies for TCAs
 a) John, vs. A. 1980
 b) Luscombe, 1980
 c) Seldrup, 1980
 Funding source not stated
 (See Gringas, 1980
for clinical outcomes)
PK Parallel Women aged 18–40 with depression, n=46
a) 21 COC users/15 completed
25 non-OC users/20 completed
b) 19 COC users/14 completed
23 non-OC users/20 completed
c) 11 COC users
16 Non-OC users
Clomipramine 25 mg orally at bedtime for 4 weeks COC use (any type with either 0.015 or 0.03 mg EE) for >2 months a) Mean plasma clomipramine across 4 weeks and dropout rate for side effects
b) Mean plasma clomipramine at 4 weeks
c) Correlation between clinical response and steady state plasma levels of clomipramine
All results reported as “not significant but no p-values given a) Side effects: 13% COC users vs. 10% non-OC users
Mean plasma level across 4 weeks COC users 14 ng/ml vs non-OC 17 ng/ml
b) Mean plasma levels (day 28) COC users 13.2 ng/ml vs. non-OC 16.8 ng/ml
c) OC users-r=0.1
Nonusers- r=−0.42
Steady sate of perpetrator drug achieved, repeated blood sampling over 4 weeks Unclear how COC use was measured with a mix of doses and formulations used
Results didn’t report on depression scale findings just stated “Clinical response and tolerability in the two groups were also similar”
Limited relevance of PK parameters since only concentrations given
Abernethy, D. R. 1984
 U.S. Public Health Service and Charles A, King Trust, Inc.
PK Parallel Healthy women age 20–39, within 20% of ideal body weight on COC for >3 months
6 COC users
5 nomedication use
Imipramine 50 mg once (cycle day not indicated) COC (any type with EE≤50 mcg) t1/2, AUC, clearance, of imipramine Imipramine parameters for OCP users vs. non-users:
↑ AUC by 104% (415 ng/mL h.−1 vs 203)
↓ oral clearance (2322 ml/min vs 4649 ml/min) No change in oral elimination t1/2
Steady sate of perpetrator drug achieved Unclear how COC use was measured with likely a range of doses and formulations used
Poor sample size and one time imipramine dose
Edelbroek, P. M. 1987.
 Funding source not stated
PK Parallel Women aged 18–43 with bulimia (at least 5 binges per week and at least 75% of ideal body weight)
5 OC users
13 non-OC users
Amitriptyline 25 mg for 6 weeks OC use (any type) Plasma concentration of amitriptyline and metabolites (NT, Z-10-OH-NT and E-10-OH-NT) (drawn on days 15, 36 and 57) For day 36 levels OC users had:
89.7% higher mean amitriptyline concentration 74 vs 39 mcg/L; p-0.0007
100% higher [Z- 10-OH-NT] 14 vs. 7 mcg/L; p=.02
Only study with amitriptyline Women with bulimia.
However when looking at PK for d-d interaction may not be relevant.
Inadequate sample size (n=5 for OC user arm)
Wide range of OC types and doses presumably used. OC exposure assessment not reported.
Limited relevance of PK parameters since only one time concentrations given. Unclear why statistics performed only on day 36 values

Cmax, Maximum concentration; GPCR, general practitioner clinical research group; NT, nortriptyline; t1/2, half life; Z-10-OH-NT, Z-10-hydroxynortriptyline.