Acute treatment with M1PAM VU846 at 3 mg/kg increased auditory ESRP in RTT mice. A. Heat maps of ESRP after auditory stimulus (time 0, X-axis) with color gradient indicating power changes (legend). WT animals are shown in the top panels and MUT animals in the bottom panels, with vehicle treatment in the left panels, VU846 treatment in the middle panels, and the difference between treatment in the right panels. The right panel shows the difference of the power (VU846-Vehicle) between treatments, with significant differences (permutation testing) outlined in the red-dotted area for WT (top right) and black-dotted area for MUT (bottom right). B. Mean ESRP in defined frequency from 0 to 250 ms after vehicle injection in WT and MUT mice (##p < 0.01, t-test comparing between genotypes). Mean frequency band ESRP in WT (C) or MUT (D) animals after vehicle or VU846 injection (∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, paired-t-test between vehicle and VU846 injection within genotype). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article).