Dose-response of VU846 auditory-event related features. A. Normalized AEP peak amplitudes (normalized to individual animal baseline values prior to injection: A1-P1; A2-N1; A3-P2) after treatment with vehicle or doses of VU846 indicated along the X-axis. B. VU846 dose-response effects on P2 rising (B1) and decay (B2) slopes. C. Change in ESRP after VU846 injection at various doses compared to vehicle injection in low frequency bands (C1, 0–12 Hz) and high frequency bands (C2, 12–100Hz). D. Change in ITPC after VU846 injection at various doses compared to vehicle injection in low frequency bands (C1, 0–12 Hz) and high frequency bands (C2, 12–100Hz). ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, within genotype ANOVA with post-hoc Tukey pairwise comparison between VU846 dose and vehicle.