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. 2024 Jul 29;19:471. doi: 10.1186/s13019-024-02922-5

Table 1.

Baseline patient characteristics

Characteristic Total n = 73
 Median, IQR 78, 2
 Min—max 75–84
Sex, n (%)
 Male 40 (54.8%)
 Female 33 (45.2%)
Stage, n (%)
 IA2 16 (21.9%)
 IA3 13 (17.8%)
 IB 9 (12.3%)
 IIA 4 (5.5%)
 IIB 16 (21.9%)
 IIIA 8 11.0%)
 IIIB 5 (6.8%)
 IVA 2 (2.7%)
Histology type, n (%)
 Adenocarcinoma 44 (60.3%)
 Squamous cell 23 (31.5%)
 Adenosquamous 3 (4.1%)
 Small cell 2 (2.7%)
 Metastasis 1 (1.4%)
Adeconarcinoma type, n (%)
 Acinar 18 (40.9%)
 Papillar 7 (15.9%)
 Mucinous 5 (11.4%)
 Micopapillary 5 (11.4%)
 Nonspecified 4 (9.1%)
 Lepidic 3 (6.8%)
 MIS 1 (2.3%)
 Nonmucinous 1 (2.3%)
pN, n (%)
 N0 47 (67.1%)
 N1 14 (20.0%)
 N2 9 (12.9%)
Growth pattern, n (%)
 Peripheral 63 (86.3%)
 Central 10 (13.7%)
Type of lung resection, n (%)
 Lobectomy 50 (68.5%)
 Segmentectomy 14 (19.2%)
 Pneumonectomy 4 (5.5%)
 Bilobectomy 3 (4.1%)
 Wedge 2 (2.7%)
Surgical access, n (%)
 VATS 38 (52.1%)
 Thoracotomy 35 (47.9%)
Bronchial resection, n (%)
 Nonsleeve 67 (91.7%)
 Sleeve 6 (8.3%)
Resection margin, n (%)
 R0 68 (93%)
 R1 3 (4%)
 R2 2 (3%)

n number of patients in each group, pN pathologic N, VATS Video-assisted thoracic surgery