Table 1.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the selection of participants for the study.
Inclusion criteria | Exclusion criteria |
1. Age 55–75 years (both inclusive) | 1. Severe memory loss |
2. Male and female subjects | 2. Stroke |
3. Patients with an MMSE score of < 24 and more than 14 (both are inclusive) | 3. Psychiatric illness |
4. Must have a caretaker to attend the study visit. | 4. Subjects who are under treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs |
5. Informed consent from the subject and legally acceptable representative-lar (lar can be spouse/parent/son/daughter/guardian/person having charge or any other legally acceptable representative) | 5. Objection from family members or any other close relatives or legally acceptable representatives |
6. If the participation in the study causes any harm to possible benefits to the patients including insurance benefits | |
7. Objection from the physician, under whom current treatment is conducted | |
8. Patients who meet the clinicians' judgment are likely to be placed in a nursing home, within the next 6 months | |
9. Any condition that in the opinion of the investigator does not justify the subjects' participation in the study | |
10. History of medication such as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors 1 month prior to enrolment |