Effect of FMDV L protease on bicistronic-RNA translation. Bicistronic capped RNA was translated in the Flexi-RRL system (Promega) with (+) or without (−) L protease (PL). After heat denaturation, 35S-labelled proteins were analyzed by SDS–15% PAGE. The positions of neomycin phosphotransferase (28 kDa) and the C-terminally truncated β-Gal protein (46 kDa) are indicated. Lanes 1 and 2, control RNAs containing the EMCV IRES (see Materials and Methods); lanes 5 to 8, RNAs containing different 3′ deletions in the putative VL30m IRES; lanes 3, 4, and 9 to 12, RNAs containing the 5′ region VL30m RNA or 5′ deletions of this sequence.