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. 2024 Jul 29;7(7):e2421877. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.21877

Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Study Variables.

Variable Full DNA assay sample (N = 1971)
No. with data (% missing) Mean (SD) or No. (%)a
Adverse exposures
PA at age 3 y 1585 (19.6) 9.31 (12.51)
PA at age 5 y 1535 (22.1) 7.24 (11.04)
EA at age 3 y 1586 (19.5) 25.58 (20.29)
EA at age 5 y 1536 (22.1) 26.64 (20.51)
PN at age 3 y 1586 (19.5) 0.28 (2.94)
PN at age 5 y 1531 (22.3) 0.21 (1.59)
EN at age 3 y 1586 (19.5) 0.32 (1.89)
EN at age 5 y 1531 (22.3) 0.27 (1.61)
Other ACEs at age 3 yb 1521 (22.8) 1.00 (0.90)
Other ACEs at age 5 yb 1837 (6.8) 1.02 (0.85)
Child characteristics
Internalizing behavior 1784 (9.5) 0.33 (0.21)
Externalizing behavior 1613 (18.2) 0.52 (0.27)
Child sex, No. %
Male 1971 (0) 992 (50.3)
Female 979 (49.7)
Race and ethnicity, No. %
Black, non-Hispanic 1971 (0) 889 (45.1)
Hispanic 425 (21.6)
Multiracialc 281 (14.3)
White, non-Hispanic 344 (17.5)
Otherd 32 (1.6)
Parent and family characteristics
Mother’s age, y 1970 (0.1) 25.29 (5.98)
Prenatal smoking, No. % 1968 (0.2) 376 (19.1)
Educational level, No. %
Less than high school 1967 (0.2) 616 (31.3)
High school degree or GED 607 (30.9)
Some college or technical school 520 (26.4)
College degree or higher 224 (11.4)
Mother’s relationship to child’s father, No. %
Single 1971 (0) 770 (39.1)
Cohabitating 715 (36.3)
Married 486 (24.7)
Poverty-to-income ratio 1971 (0) 2.34 (2.49)

Abbreviations: ACEs, adverse childhood events; EA, emotional aggression; EN, emotional neglect; GED, general educational development; PA, physical assault; PN, physical neglect.


Mean (SD) for continuous variables; No. (%) for categorical variables.


Other ACEs reflects the count of ACEs excluding maltreatment.


Multiracial includes children whose parents reported more than 1 race or ethnicity.


Other includes American Indian, Asian, and Pacific Islander as reported by the Future of Families and Child Wellbeing Study due to small sample size.