Table 7.
Interaction Term** | OR | 95% CI | p-value |
Race (AIAN)$* SUD Tx yes | -- | -- | -- |
Race (Asian)* SUD Tx yes | 0.000 | 0.000–999.99 | 0.7202 |
Race (Black)* SUD Tx yes | 2.122 | 0.159–28.337 | -- |
Race (Not reported)* SUD Tx yes | 0.000 | 0.000–999.99 | -- |
Race (Hispanic)* SUD Tx yes | 0.000 | 0.000–999.99 | -- |
Race (Unknown)* SUD Tx yes | -- | -- | -- |
Race (AIAN)$* MENTAL HEALTH Tx (prior) yes | -- | -- | -- |
Race (Asian)* MENTAL HEALTH Tx (prior) yes | 0.000 | 0.000–999.99 | 0.3942 |
Race (Black)* MENTAL HEALTH Tx (prior) yes | 2.437 | 0.313–18.993 | -- |
Race (Not reported)* MENTAL HEALTH Tx (prior) yes | 0.000 | 0.000–999.99 | -- |
Race (Hispanic)* MENTAL HEALTH Tx (prior) yes | 0.000 | 0.000–999.99 | -- |
Race (Unknown)* MENTAL HEALTH Tx (prior) yes | -- | -- | -- |
Race (AIAN)$* SUD Tx (# sess. 60 days prior, mean) | -- | -- | -- |
Race (Asian)$* SUD Tx (# sess. 60 days prior, mean) | 0.000 | 0.000–999.99 | 0.6045 |
Race (Black)$* SUD Tx (# sess. 60 days prior, mean) | 1.568 | 0.270–9.109 | -- |
Race (Not reported)$* SUD Tx (# sess. 60 days prior, mean) | 0.000 | 0.000–999.99 | -- |
Race (Hispanic)$* SUD Tx (# sess. 60 days prior, mean) | 0.000 | 0.000–999.99 | -- |
Race (Unknown)$* SUD Tx (# sess. 60 days prior, mean) | -- | -- | -- |
Race (AIAN)$* MENTAL HEALTH Tx (# sess. 60 days prior, mean) | -- | -- | -- |
Race (Asian)$* MENTAL HEALTH Tx (# sess. 60 days prior, mean) | 0.000 | 0.000–999.99 | 0.7530 |
Race (Black)$* MENTAL HEALTH Tx (# sess. 60 days prior, mean) | 1.873 | 0.218–16.106 | -- |
Race (Not reported)$* MENTAL HEALTH Tx (# sess. 60 days prior, mean) | 1.942 | 0.000–999.99 | -- |
Race (Hispanic)$* MENTAL HEALTH Tx (# sess. 60 days prior, mean) | 0.000 | 0.000–999.99 | -- |
Race (Unknown)$* MENTAL HEALTH Tx (# sess. 60 days prior, mean) | -- | -- | -- |
Notes: *is used as an indicator of an statistical interaction between two variables. **Models included age, gender, homeless status, Felony, Psychiatric Diagnosis, and EHS score. $White was the reference.
Abbreviations: AIAN, American Indian or Alaskan Native; AA, African American; SUD, Substance Use Disorder; MENTAL HEALTH, Mental health; Tx, Treatment; EHS, Employment Hope Scale.