proc descript data=brfss11 filetype=SAS design=wr; nest _STSTR _PSU/missunit; weight _LLCPWT; /* Note 1 */ var DM; catlevel 1; subgroup sex agedist10 race4; level 2 7 4; tables race4; stdvar agedist10; stdwgt 0.220724 0.171133 0.185875 0.178898 0.124713 0.070752 0.047905; subpopn anasamp=2; setenv rowwidth = 2 colwidth = 10 rowspce=0 colspce=2 topmgn=0 pagesize=60; print nsum=‘SAMPLE SIZE’ percent=‘PERCENT’ sepercent=‘S.E.’ /nsumfmt = F6.0 wsumfmt = F10.0 percentfmt = F10.6 sepercentfmt = F10.6 style=NCHS; title ‘Prevalence of diagnosed diabetes by race/ethnicity, age-adjustment using the 2010 US Census population’; run; |
Note 1: the sampling weight reflected landline and cellphone surveys combined.