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. 2024 Jul 30;18:11779322241261427. doi: 10.1177/11779322241261427

Table 1.

Candidate TFs associated with PLA2G2A gene expression determined by SNP2TFBS.

SNP (eQTL) rsID Ref Alt Effect eQTL tissues Effect size Matched TFs
rs12733637 A G down Liver −0.39 EBF1
Prostate −0.34
rs1891320 C T up Liver 0.45 ZNF263
Prostate 0.50
rs11573156 G C up Liver 0.66 SP1
Prostate 0.68
Ovary 0.25
Adipose-Visceral (Omentum) 0.17
Stomach 0.19
Heart-Atrial Appendage 0.15
Heart-Left Ventricle 0.17
rs1796923 T G down Skin-Sun Exposed (Lower leg) −0.80 PPARG_RXRA
Heart-Atrial Appendage −0.51
Skin-Not Sun Exposed (Suprapubic) −0.65
Esophagus-Muscularis −0.62
Thyroid −0.40
Heart-Left Ventricle −0.48
Adipose-Subcutaneous −0.48
Esophagus-Gastroesophageal Junction −0.54
rs114156017 C T up Liver 0.42 SREBF1
Prostate 0.41
Adipose-Visceral (Omentum) 0.18
Heart-Atrial Appendage 0.16
rs149238894 G A up Liver 0.40 GATA1
Prostate 0.42
Adipose-Visceral (Omentum) 0.18
Heart-Atrial Appendage 0.15
rs139466428 TG T up Prostate 0.38 FOXQ1
Adipose-Visceral (Omentum) 0.15
Esophagus-Muscularis 0.13

Ref , reference allele; Alt , alternative allele; Effect , the direction of the eQTL’s effect on PLA2G2A gene expression; “up” means the alternative allele upregulates PLA2G2A gene expression compared to the reference allele, and “down” means the alternative allele downregulates PLA2G2A gene expression compared to the reference allele.; eQTL tissues , tissue distribution of each eQTL; Effect size , the normalized effect size of each significant tissue-eQTL obtained from GTEx Portal, which was computed as the effect of the alternative allele relative to the reference allele in the human genome reference GRCh38/hg38; TF , transcription factor.