(A) Pre-operative selected axial CT image at the level of T6 “bone window” demonstrating a subtle poorly-defined abnormal density within the vertebral body, with multiple foci of intra-lesional calcification. (B) Pre-operative sagittal MRI spine, T2 fat-saturated image demonstrating high T2 signal abnormality within the vertebral body of T6. No vertebral body compression, collapse or destruction seen. There is another abnormality of focal intraspinal high T2 signal abnormality at the same level “the arrow,” which represents the EDH. Unfortunately, the T1-sequence “not shown here” was of low imaging quality due to patient-related motion artifact. The hematoma was confirmed intra-operatively. At this point, the Radiology Neurosurgery team interpreted the vertebral body lesion as a hemangioma, with a small extradural hematoma at the same level. Due to the acute presentation of the patient, the decision was made to take the patient to the OR to evacuate the extradural hematoma. (C) A postoperative sagittal CT image “bone window” showing a short-segment vertebral fixation at the levels of T5–T7.