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. 2024 Jul 23;10:e54281. doi: 10.2196/54281

Table 2.

Summary of adherence in the studies in the meta-cohort.

Study, by country Adherencea

Annual loss to follow-up, % Followed Lost to follow-up

Age (years), mean Female, %b Confirmed dengue, %b Age (years), mean Female, %b Confirmed dengue, %b

Diagnosis Cohortc (n=28) 10.7 21.1 60 40 8.0 33.3 33.3

Prognostic Cohortd (n=256) 5.5 13.4 47.1 100 13.1 35.7 100

PHBDCe,f (n=2730) 10.1 14.6 51.2 6.0 12.3 48.5 N/Ag

AEDESh cohorts

Identification of prognostic markers of severity in dengue (n=500) N/A 24.7 51.2 39 N/A N/A N/A

Validation of a clinical definition for dengue and evaluation of its usefulness to identify early conditions associated with hospitalization (n=705) N/A 26.5 42.8 32.3 N/A N/A N/A

Colombian multicentric study: outpatients (n=1008) N/A 21.7 48.2 38.6 N/A N/A N/A

Colombian multicentric study: inpatients (n=996) N/A 14.8 47.3 41.2 N/A N/A N/A

CYD15 (Placebo Arm; n=484)i 13 12.0 51.8 8.3 12.0 48 3.2

PDCSj (n=9699) 4.3 7.9 49 11.5 N/A N/A N/A

PDHSk (n=2659) 7.03 8.59 48.1 53.7 N/A N/A N/A
Latin America

IDAMSl,m (n=1625) 2.7n 19.0 47.6 28.8 13.4 86.4 N/A

Cohort of Symptomatic Pregnant Women (n=383) 13.6 29.77 (6.32) 86.4 0 27.56 (5.69) 13.6 0

aExcluded (not lost) because (1) >84 hours from disease onset (n=39); (2) disease onset unknown (n=5); (3) laboratory diagnosis not available (n=53). 7 patients fulfilled >1 criterion.

bThe n values for these percentages were not available from all the studies.

cEvaluation of the diagnostic accuracy and usefulness of rapid tests for early diagnosis of dengue.

dImmune mechanisms of pathogenesis in patients with dengue infection.

ePHBDC: Piedecuesta’s household-based dynamic cohort.

fIdentification of age groups to be prioritized for vaccination in a population of children and adolescents.

gN/A: Not available.

hAEDES: Abordando Áreas Endémicas del Dengue Para el Estudio de su Severidad.

iEfficacy and safety of a new tetravalent dengue vaccine in healthy children and adolescents aged 9 years to 16 years in Latin America.

jPDCS: Pediatric Dengue Cohort Study.

kPDHS: Prospective Hospital-Based Study of Dengue Classification, Case Management, and Diagnosis.

lIDAMS: International Research Consortium on Dengue Risk Assessment, Management and Surveillance.

mVenezuela and Brazil subcohorts (total number enrolled in all sites including Asia = 7428).

nAverage annual rate in longstanding cohort studies.