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. 2024 Jul 23;10:e54281. doi: 10.2196/54281

Table 3.

Frequency of follow-up across the included cohort studies.

Study Arm Frequency of clinical observations Frequency of laboratory investigations (not for diagnosis) Frequency of laboratory diagnosis
Colombia: Diagnosis Cohort: Evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy and usefulness of rapid tests for early diagnosis of dengue Outpatient and inpatient 3-5 days, 4-6 days, 5-7 days, 15-17 days (post illness onset) 3-5 days, 4-6 days, 5-7 days, 15-17 days (post illness onset) 3-5 days, 4-6 days, 5-7 days
Colombia: Prognosis Cohort: Immune mechanisms of pathogenesis in patients with dengue infection Outpatient and inpatient 0-7 days, 2-6 weeks (Note: inpatients also provided clinical information every 48 hours during hospitalization.) 0-7 days, 2-6 weeks; (note: Inpatients also provided laboratory investigations every 48 hours during hospitalization.) 0-7 days
Colombia: Piedecuesta’s household-based dynamic cohort; identification of age groups to be prioritized for vaccination in a population of children and adolescents Outpatient Once per day (incident febrile cases) Once per day (incident febrile cases) 0 days, 14 days (incident febrile cases)
Colombia: AEDESa Cohorts

Identification of prognostic markers of severity in dengue Outpatient Once per day Once per day 0 days, 14 days

Validation of a clinical definition for dengue and evaluation of its usefulness to identify early conditions associated with hospitalization Outpatient Once per day Once per day 0 days, 14 days

Colombian multicentric study Outpatient and inpatient Once per day 0 days, 6 days (outpatient); once per day (inpatient) 0 days, 10 days
CDY15: Efficacy and safety of a new tetravalent dengue vaccine in healthy children and adolescents aged 9 years to 16 years in Latin America Placebo 0-5 days, 14 days (incident febrile cases) 0-5 days, 14 days (incident febrile cases) 0-5 days, 14 days (incident febrile cases)
Nicaragua: Pediatric Dengue Hospital-Based Study Outpatient Once per day Once per day 0 days, 1 day, 2 days; 14-28 days
Nicaragua: Pediatric Dengue Hospital-Based Study Inpatient More than once per day Once per day 0 days, 1 day, 2 days, 14-28 days
Nicaragua: PDCSb Follow-up 2-3 times per week 2-3 times per week 0 days, 14-21 days
Nicaragua: PDCS Annual sample N/Ac Once per year 0 days
IDAMSd Recruitment as outpatients; some proceeded to hospitalization Once per day Once per day 0 days, 3-6 days, 15 days
Cohort of symptomatic pregnant women N/A At enrollment, weekly telephone follow-up, and a second visit within 30 days after enrollment N/A 0 days, 30 days

aAEDES: Abordando Áreas Endémicas del Dengue Para el Estudio de su Severidad.

bPDCS: Pediatric Dengue Cohort Study.

cN/A: not applicable.

dIDAMS: International Research Consortium on Dengue Risk Assessment, Management and Surveillance.