Extended Data Fig. 5. Incorporation of C37 into LHD hetero-oligomer system.
Design C37 was rigidly fused to LHD284B_DHR9 (right) creating a single chain protein with two interfaces capable of binding the peptide of C37 and the designed binding partner of LHD284B_DHR9, LHD284A_DHR82. We validated the assembly of this ternary complex in a SEC binding assay on a S200 increase 10/300 GL. A: GFP-peptC37, AB: GFP-peptC37 + LHD284B_DHR9, ABC: GFP-peptC37 + LHD284B_DHR9 + LHD284A_DHR82. Absorbance at 395 nm of the GFP-peptC37 was monitored to assess binding.