Stress-relevant orthogroups across the green lineage. (a) Summary of the phylogeny, morphology, life history and ecology in cyanobacteria (blue) and the green lineage that includes chlorophyte algae (ochre) and the focus of this study: streptophytes, encompassing streptophyte algae (purple) and land plants (grey). (b) A phylodiverse set of land plants and algae assembled from the predicted proteomes of 37 species. Pie charts show BUSCO proteome completeness. Bar graphs show the total number of proteins per proteome (black), the subset annotated by InterProScan [13] (grey) and the subset that were stress-relevant from approach 3 in figure 1b (red). (c) Number of stress-annotated orthogroups (homologous protein group) were compiled using three approaches, building on: (1) the databases TAIR (v10) [14] + PEATmoss (4902 stress-relevant orthogroups) [15], (2) eggNOG-mapper [16] (17 349 orthogroups) and (3) an intersection of both approaches (Wilcox test p‐value = 2.2 × 10−16), yielding 2475 orthogroups that are considered the final set of stress-relevant orthogroups. Presence of orthogroups in species is indicated by black (and absence by white).