Table 2.
Amb ambient gyrus, Amy amygdala, tERC transentorhinal cortex, Subi subiculum, LOTG lateral occipitoteporal gyrus, ITG inferior temporal gyrus, Ins insular cortex, AnSTG anterior portion of the superior temporal gyrus, MFG middle frontal gyrus, PMC primary motor cortex, IPL inferior parietal lobule, PeriSR peristriate region, SR striate region (primary visual cortex), CN caudate nucleus, PT putamen, GP globus pallidus, PeriAG periaqueductual gray, SN substantia nigra, PontT pontine tegmentum, MT medullary tegmentum, AH spinal anterior horn
−: no argyrophilic grain, ± : less than 20 AGs per × 400 visual field, + : 20 to 50 AGs per × 400 visual field, + + : 50 to 100 AGs per × 400 visual field, + + + : 100 or more AGs per × 400 visual field. n.a.: not available