(A) Male C57BL/6 mice were infected with 5 cysticercoids of H. diminuta (H.d.), then 200 L3 H. bakeri (H.b.) 10 days later and necropsied at 24 days post-infection (dpi) with H. diminuta. Single parasite-infected and naïve mice served as controls. (B-E) In this experimental setting, prior infection with H. diminuta resulted in reduced H. bakeri egg output, fewer worms, and more granulomas. (F) DCLK1+ tuft cells were enumerated per high power field (HPF) of view (40x objective) in swiss rolls made from the first 10 cm of small intestine. Data are mean ± SEM; n = 10/group, pooled from 2 experiments, *p <0.05 compared to H. bakeri only mice or control (con) uninfected mice (B, D, E) by Welch’s unpaired t-test or (F) Browns Forsythe and Welch’s ANOVA test and Dunnet’s post- test for multiple comparisons.