Figure 1. Low GPR52 expression is associated with increased breast cancer progression and reduced survival probability of breast cancer patients.
A) The median GPR52 mRNA expression, interquartile range, minimum value, and upper whisker are plotted for normal (black) and tumor (red) tissues. Mann-Whitney U tests were conducted to determine statistical significance. *P <0.05. AC=adenocarcinoma, SC=squamous cell, CC=clear cell, PA=papillary cell, EC=endometrial carcinoma. B) KMplot breast cancer overall survival curves for patients with low versus high GPR52 mRNA expression in resected tumors for (B) all breast cancer subtypes and (C) triple negative breast cancer. D) GPR52 mRNA expression collected from a gene chip dataset of non-cancerous breast tissue, primary tumor, and metastases of individuals with breast cancer (un-paired). Data are presented as median with upper and lower quartiles and minimum and maximum values. One-way ANOVA, p<0.05. E) GPR52 mRNA expression was determined by QPCR and normalized to the housekeeping gene RPL32. The normalized GPR52 expression was then divided by the average expression of GPR52 across the cell lines. n=3, line=median. One-way ANOVA, P-value<0.05; ****P <0.00005, ns=not significant.