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[Preprint]. 2024 Jul 23:2024.07.23.604358. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.07.23.604358

FIG. 5. Wavelength errors for processing simulated data.

FIG. 5.

Scatter plots of the simulated wavelengths and wavelengths assigned to reflections by Laue-DIALS. Each subplot has the line y=x plotted in black for reference and includes a least-squares linear regression (blue) with the slope (a) and correlation coefficient (R2). The intercept is set to b=0. Titles for each subplot denote the key parameter difference from the reference data set, which is marked with “Mosaicity: 0.1°.” Plots with differing bandwidths use a Gaussian spectrum with the labeled bandwidth. All other plots use a spectrum derived from the BioCARS beamline with approximately 5.5% bandwidth at FWHM. Beam divergence is 0.1° unless otherwise specified.