The dataset is from an EF-X experiment on PDZ2 with one OFF and three ON timepoints, originally reported in Hekstra et al. 2016. A. Flowchart of the processing workflow. B. Plot of as a function of resolution bin for each timepoint. C. Weighted ON–OFF isomorphous difference maps showing electric-field induced sidechain motions. Orange arrows depict the direction of the electric field, and purple arrows depict the opposite direction. Orange density represents a decrease in density in the ON map compared to the OFF map, and purple density represents increased density in the ON map. Maps are contoured at and carved within 1.5 Å of shown atoms. There is an increase in electron density on Asp368 carboxylate conformer 2 in one symmetry mate (chain A, top left) and conformer 1 in the other (chain B, top right). There is an increase in electron density on Ser410 hydroxyl conformer 2 in one symmetry mate (chain A, middle left) and conformer 1 in the other (chain B, middle right). There is a decrease in electron density on Asn415 carboxamide conformer 1 in one symmetry mate (chain A, bottom left) and increase in the other (chain B, bottom right). D. Heights of difference map peaks in (C).