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[Preprint]. 2024 Jul 27:2024.07.26.605382. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.07.26.605382

Table 1.

Peptides of the CKP

Protein Peptide Mass-to-charge ratio [m/z] (Light) Charge Retention time window

[z] Start [min] End [min]

Cbf1 LSTEDEEIHSAR 462.8880 3 10.73 14.73
Cep3 LVYLTER 447.2582 2 16.23 20.23
Ctf13 TGLADFTR 440.7298 2 17.04 21.04
Cse4 YTPSELALYEIR 727.8799 2 25.23 29.23
Htb2 HAVSEGTR 428.7172 2 1.00 3.94
Hta2 AGLTFPVGR 459.2638 2 20.38 24.38
Hhf1 ISGLIYEEVR 589.8244 2 20.96 24.96
Hht1 STELLIR 416.2504 2 16.51 20.51
Mif2-1 YSLDTSESPSVR 670.8201 2 15.61 19.61
Mif2-2 VAPLQYWR 516.7849 2 21.20 25.20
Cbf2 EENIVNEDGPNTSR 787.3581 2 12.62 16.62
Okp1 VIQAEYR 439.7402 2 10.45 14.45
Ame1 NDEDLTTR 482.2225 2 7.35 11.35
Mcm21 IDDISTSDR 511.2435 2 10.24 14.24
Ctf19 QQLSLLDDDQVR 715.3677 2 20.67 24.67
Ctf3 DAPGSATLILQR 621.3461 2 19.90 23.90
Iml3 ESIVTSTR 446.7404 2 9.37 13.37
Chl4 NEDSGEPVYISR 683.3177 2 14.25 18.25
Cnn1 SFLQDLSQVLAR 688.8803 2 33.32 37.32
Nkp1 EIYDNESELR 634.2937 2 14.63 18.63
Nkp2 VTSELEAR 452.7404 2 9.37 13.37
Ndc80 QYDSSIQNLTR 662.8282 2 16.37 20.37
Dsn1 ILDNTENYDDTELR 855.8945 2 17.99 21.99
Spc105 VHISTQQDYSPSR 506.5829 3 12.31 16.31
Mtw1 IPEEYLDANVFR 733.3697 2 25.02 29.02

The peptides are listed from top to bottom in the same order as arrayed in the CKP (N- to C-terminus). The first column of the table contains the names of proteins represented by each peptide and is color-coded to match Figure 1A.