Fig. 2. Effects of experimental warming on relative abundance of CAZy genes in topsoil metagenomes.
a Comparison of relative abundance of total carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZy) genes between warming and control conditions according to paired samples t-test (two-sided). Box represents the interquartile range, with blue and yellow indicating control and warming, respectively. Horizontal line and circle within the box show the median and mean value, respectively. The whisker denotes SD (n = 10, independent samples). b Heatmap showing the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) scores computed for CAZy gene families differentially abundant (LDA score >2, unadjusted P < 0.05) between warming and control conditions. Families enriched under control condition are indicated by a negative LDA score (blue), and the warming treatment enriched families are indicated by a positive score (yellow). AA auxiliary activity, CBM carbohydrate-binding module, CE carbohydrate esterase, GH glycoside hydrolase, GT glycosyltransferase, PL polysaccharide lyase. Letters above the heatmap represent the substrate category utilized by enzymes from the corresponding CAZy gene family. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.