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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Aug 1.
Published in final edited form as: Pediatrics. 2023 Feb 1;151(2):e2022059595. doi: 10.1542/peds.2022-059595


Characteristics of Newborns in the American Academy of Pediatrics Perinatal COVID-19 Registry, United States, April 6, 2020 to March 19, 2021

All Newborns (n = 7648) PCR Positive (n = 144) PCR Negative (n = 6342) P

Birth wt, g, median (IQR) 3210 (2830–3540) 3040 (2518–3493) 3200 (2820–3530) .007
Sex, n (%) .797
 Female 3678 (48.1) 70 (48.3) 3011 (47.5)
 Male 3966 (51.9) 74 (51.4) 3327 (52.5)
 Unreported 4 (0.1) 0 (0) 4 (0.1)
Multiple gestation, n (%)a 269/7632 (3.5) 15/143 (10.5) 229/6327 (3.6) .008
Small for gestational age, n (%)b 748/7641 (9.8) 14/144 (9.7) 632/6337 (10.0) .907
Preterm, n (%) <.001
 Born <37 wk’ 1190 (15.6) 43 (29.9) 1026 (16.2)
 Born ≥37 wk’ gestation 6458 (84.4) 101 (70.1) 5316 (83.8)
Infants born ≥37 wk’ gestation (n = 6458)
 Apgar <7 at 5 min, n (%)c 75/6406 (1.2) 3/101 (3.0) 62/5268 (1.2) .125
 Delivery room resuscitation, n (%)d 484/6458 (7.5) 7/101 (6.9) 427/5316 (8.0) .469
 NICU admission, n (%)e 901/6392 (14.1) 24/100 (24.0) 831/5264 (15.8) .036
 Mechanical ventilation, n (%)f 63/6394 (1.0) 3/100 (3.0) 55/5259 (1.0) .083
Infants born <37 wk’ gestation (n = 1190)
Gestational age, weeks, n (%) .254
 <28 42/1190 (3.5) 3/43 (7.0) 32/1026 (3.1)
 28–31 149/1190 (12.5) 4/43 (9.3) 136/1026 (13.3)
 32–33 163/1190 (13.7) 10/43 (23.3) 142/1026 (13.8)
 34–36 836/1190 (70.3) 26/43 (60.5) 716/1026 (69.8)
Apgar <7 at 5 min, n (%)g 121/1190 (10.2) 5/43 (11.6) 104/1011 (10.3) .782
Delivery room resuscitation, n (%)d 511/1190 (42.9) 23/43 (53.5) 458/1026 (44.6) .274
NICU admission, n (%)h 699/1177 (59.4) 32/41 (78.0) 627/1016 (61.7) .044
Mechanical ventilation, n (%)i 184/1182 (15.6) 11/43 (25.6) 162/1019 (15.9) .103
Newborn isolation procedures, n (%)j .039
 None 725 (9.5) 10 (6.9) 397 (6.3)
 Enhanced respiratory precautions 2053 (26.8) 44 (30.6) 1731 (27.3)
 Airborne precautions 2886 (37.7) 45 (31.3) 2492 (39.3)
 Negative pressure isolation 1693 (22.1) 41 (28.5) 1488 (23.5)
 Other or not reported 291 (3.8) 4 (2.8) 234 (3.7)
Maternal-infant separation at birth, n (%)k 2414/7610 (31.7) 55/144 (38.2) 2247/6316 (35.6) .541
Any breast milk feeding, n (%) 5401 (70.6) 105 (72.9) 4352 (68.6) .284
Duration of hospitalization, days, median (IQR) 2 (2–3) 3 (2–8.5) 3 (2–4) .001
Infant disposition, n (%) .041
 Discharge home 7541 (98.6) 139 (96.5) 6268 (98.8)
 Transferred 78 (1.0) 3 (2.1) 59 (0.9)
 Died 29 (0.4) 2 (1.4) 15 (0.2)

Table includes all live births that survived beyond delivery room and with available postnatal testing data. IQR, interquartile range (25th and 75th percentiles).


In 5 sets of twins, both twins tested positive. In 3 sets of twins, 1 twin tested positive and 1 tested negative. In 2 additional cases, 1 infant of a set of twins was positive, but no data were recorded for the other twin.


Data missing for 18 infants.


Data missing for 52 infants.


Delivery room resuscitation defined as requiring continuous positive airway pressure, positive pressure ventilation, or intubation.


Data missing for 66 infants.


Data missing for 64 infants. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) support provided to 2 infants.


Data missing for 15 infants.


Data missing for 13 infants.


Data missing for 8 infants. No infants born <37 wk’ gestation were treated with ECMO.


Newborn isolation measures were defined by strictest level of precaution used: enhanced respiratory precautions defined as use of gown, gloves, surgical mask, and eye protection; airborne precautions defined by use of N95 mask or equivalent; negative pressure isolation defined as use of negative pressure room for newborn care.


Data missing for 38 infants.