Figure 4.
Dynamic changes of blood TCR repertoire prior to conventional ovarian cancer diagnosis
(A) Diagram illustration of blood samples collected at 1st and 2nd time points for both subjects with cancer and control subjects.
(B) PCA analysis of samples at 1st or 2nd blood draw.
(C) Violin plot showing the distribution of PC1 or PC2 scores across putative ovarian risk factors. Statistical significance was evaluated using two-sided Wilcoxon test.
(D) Scatterplot showing the pre-diagnostic dynamics of OV RFU scores up to 5 years before conventional diagnosis. Loess smooth line was performed using only HGOC samples. Statistical significance was evaluated using permutation test.
(E) Boxplot showing the distributions of OV RFU scores in healthy controls and pre-diagnostic patients. Statistical significance was evaluated using two-sided Wilcoxon test. Red arrow indicates the location of 2–4 years before diagnosis. Adjusted p values for multiple hypothesis testing (padj) were performed using the Benjamini-Hochberg approach.
(F) Paired boxplots showing the increments of OV RFU scores (2nd time point – 1st time point) in both patient and control samples. Statistical significance was evaluated using paired two-sample Wilcoxon test.
(G) Scatterplot showing the pre-diagnostic dynamics of incremental OV RFU scores.
(H and I) Prediction accuracy of OV RFU scores or increment scores for pre-diagnostic patients with HGOC against healthy controls illustrated by ROC curves.