Fig 1. The presence of the SOD1G93A mutation in astrocytes or neurons has no impact on E:I ratios in primary co-cultures.
A) Example image of DIV 21 neuron in a SOD1G93A x PSD95-eGFP co-culture expressing synapsin, PSD95-eGFP and gephyrin. When zoomed, we see clear co-localisation of presynaptic and postsynaptic markers. B) Bar chart showing E:I ratios in co-cultures of 4 different combinations. + /—refers to the presence of the SOD1G93A mutation, N / A refers to the cell type referenced, either neurons or astrocytes, respectively (N = 4 co-culture platedowns). C) Bar chart showing numbers of excitatory and inhibitory synapses normalised to area (N = 4 co-culture platedowns). D) Bar chart showing numbers of excitatory and inhibitory synapses normalised to nuclei count (N = 4 co-culture platedowns).