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. 2024 Jul 19;15:1371504. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2024.1371504


Demographic and clinical data of the patients under subcutaneous immunotherapy. In the rows from Age to Cost/Family income, values indicate the number of patients (percentage, if available). Other rows represent the median and IQR. p-values are omitted due to their large values.

Variables Patients
total adherent non-adherent
age 12 96 (46.7) 40 56
13–17 30 (14.6) 10 20
18 79 (38.7) 23 56
gender Female 62 (30.2) 22 40
Male 143 (69.8) 51 92
distance to clinic (km) 10 136 (66.3) 56 80
>10 69 (33.7) 17 52
cost/family income (%) <30 107 (52.4) 37 70
30–50 77 (37.4) 32 45
>50 21 (10.2) 4 17
EOS( × 109 /L) 0.37; 0.41 0.36; 0.52 0.38; 0.36
EOS % 0.05; 0.04 0.05; 0.05 0.05; 0.05
Δ NR (%) 16.67; 59.70 30.00; 92.80 14.80; 50.00
Δ PNIF(%) 11.90; 34.50 12.70; 39.30 11.10; 28.80
total IgE (kU/L) 286; 543 340; 487 226; 555
sIgE of Der p (kU/L) 30.80; 68.480 31.30; 74.40 30.40; 67.80
sIgE of Der f (kU/L) 40.00; 68.20 40.60; 75.10 37.10; 65.70
Der p SPT SI 1.04; 0.58 1.00; 0.59 0.82; 0.55
Der f SPT SI 1.00; 0.50 0.82; 0.51 0.80; 0.45