Figure 2.
Comparison of case investigation and contact tracing’s (CICT) impact on the epidemic curves of various periods in Vermont, by dominating variant transmission, 2020–2021. The figure shows epidemic curves of the reported case count for the three study periods: Period OS, Period D1, and Period D2, with the case investigation and contact tracing (CICT) program in place and simulated epidemic curves to show what might have occurred had the CICT program not been implemented. The solid lines are Vermont’s reported cumulative case counts since the beginning of each study period with both CICT and other nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) implemented. The dashed lines are the estimated curves illustrating the cumulative case count of what might have occurred in Vermont if CICT had not been implemented, and only other NPIs were implemented during the study period. The difference between any two lines within one panel represents the cases averted by CICT.