Fig. 6. Pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, and ATP) induced a [Ca2+] transient elevation in microglia.
a 40x Fluorescent FITC calcium image of BV2 cells at the peak calcium transient intensity using the perfusion system and the CAM-μTAS. 45% of sampled cells showed calcium transient activity b Time series of the fluorescence intensities of responsive cells during the application of IL-1β [10 ng/mL], IL-6 [10 ng/mL], TNF-α [100 ng/mL], and ATP [200 μM] using the perfusion system and using the CAM-μTAS. On the CAM-μTAS, microglia response to the gradient is location-dependent (the locations displayed are measured away from the cytokine source). c Location vs. latency to peak (the time it takes for the signal to reach its maximum strength after being initiated) of cells using the perfusion system and using the CAM-μTAS. There is no correlation between location and latency to peak in the perfusion system (r = −0.046), but the CAM-μTAS showed a strong correlation (r = 0.76) (n = 3 devices)