Comparison of measured
and calculated electrostatic potentials
for a range of biomolecular systems. ϕENS potentials
measured using Gd-DOTA (−1e) and Gd-DOTAM-BA
(+1e) are shown in red for (A) ubiquitin, (B) G48A
Fyn SH3, (C) 15-bp DNA, and (D) RtoK CAPRIN1. ϕENS values were determined from the solvent PRE data shown in Figure 4 using eq 2. In (A–C), the measured
ϕENS potentials are compared with potentials obtained
via Poisson–Boltzmann calculations (ϕPBENS), which are shown in blue,
and the middle panels show correlations between the experimental (ϕGdENS) and predicted
(ϕPBENS) potentials. The right panels show correlations between the experimental
potentials measured with the Gd chelates and those measured with PROXYL
derivatives. In (A, B, D), ϕProxylENS values were measured using amino-methyl-PROXYL
(+1e) and carboxy-PROXYL (−1e) cosolutes, while in (C), ϕProxyl+/nENS values were measured
using aminomethyl-PROXYL (+1e) and carbamoyl-PROXYL
(neutral) cosolutes. In (D), ϕENS potentials measured using carboxy-PROXYL (−1e) and aminomethyl-PROXYL (+1e) are shown
in green, and a correlation plot for the two experimental datasets
(Gd- and PROXYL-based) is shown. In each correlation plot, the dotted
line is the diagonal (i.e., y = x), whereas the solid line, y = x + a, is based on linear regression. Outlier ϕENS values (residues D52, N60, L73) are circled in (A) and
discussed in the text. D52 and N60 were excluded in the calculation
of RMSD between ϕGdENS and ϕProxylENS. See text and SI for discussion. Error bars were obtained using eq 4. In (C), errors in ϕENS potentials for CH3 groups are far smaller than
those for other DNA 1H nuclei.