Chromosomal assignment and PCR amplification of HERV-K10 and HERV-K18 proviruses. (A) Allocation of HERV-K10. Chromosome-specific DNA primer 5′-HERV-K10 was used in combination with HERV-K splice donor site-specific primer (SD-inv). The arrow indicates the 1,100-bp amplification product. (B) Long PCR amplification of the HERV-K10 provirus with primers 5′-HERV-K10 and 3′-HERV-K10. The arrow denotes the 9,180-bp product. (C) Allocation of HERV-K18. The chromosome-specific DNA primer 5′-HERV-K18 was used in combination with the HERV-K splice donor site-specific primer (SD-inv). The arrow indicates the 1,100-bp amplification product. (D) Long PCR amplification of HERV-K18 provirus with primers 5′-HERV-K18 and 3′-HERV-K18. The arrow denotes the 9,234-bp product. Complementary analysis was performed with an env-specific primer (Env-for) combined with chromosome-specific DNA primers 3′-HERV-K10 and 3′-HERV-K18, respectively (not shown). Lanes: 1 to 22, X, and Y, single human chromosomes in rodent background; −, water control; M, DNA molecular weight markers.