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. 2023 Dec 17;34(4):1266–1276. doi: 10.1177/11206721231215105

Table 2.

Case series with main pathological features, AJCC tumor staging, histologic subtypes, treatment timing and follow-up of 10 patients with different histotypes of eyelid or conjunctival tumors.

Age- Gender Risk factors Sites involved RE: right eye LE: left eye AJCC Staging Histology Time surgery → to IRT
Time IRT→ to last follow-up (weeks) Recurrence
Case #1 56.4- M Sun exposure RE medial canthus positive and caruncle involved T4, N0, M0
BCC 13.7 35.1 No
Case #2 83.4 – F None LE medial canthus positive and caruncle involved T4, N0, M0
BCC 12.9 68.1 No
Case #3 67.1 – M Fair phototype LE lower eyelid positive and orbit involved T4, N0, M0
SCC 42.1 87.2 No
Case #4 81.3 – F Sun exposure + smoking LE upper conjunctiva positive and orbit involved T3c, N0, M0 Conjunctival Melanoma 4 168 Yes
(40,9 weeks)
Case #5 67.6 – F Smoking RE inferior conjunctiva positive and fornix involved T3b, N0, M0 Conjunctival Melanoma 73 43.9 No
Case #6 86.3 – M None RE upper eyelid positive and medial canthus involved T3c, N0, M0
SC 33.1 54.4 No
Case #7 70.5 – M None LE inferior conjunctiva positive and lower fornix involved T2, N0, M0 SCC 50.9 43.4 Yes
(23,4 weeks)
Case #8 76.3 – F Sun exposure LE upper eyelid positive and lateral canthus involved T4a, N0, M0
SC 21.4 28.4 No
Case #9 77.7 – M Smoking RE lateral canthus positive and eyelids involved T3c, N0, M0
BCC 3.4 29.1 No
Case #10 82.7 – F None LE upper eyelid positive and upper fornix involved T4a, N0, M0
SC 11.6 28.4 No