The correlation between static and dynamic FC changes and mood scale and cognitive functions changes as well as prediction of attention/vigilance changes. (A) The correlation between sFC changes (left cerebellar Crus I – left CPL) and PANAS-N changes in BLT. (B) The correlation between sFC changes (left cerebellar Crus II − bilateral CPL) and PANAS-N changes in BLT. (C) The correlation between sFC changes (right cerebellar lobule IX − left CPL) and PANAS-N changes in BLT. (C) The correlation between sFC changes (right cerebellar lobule IX − left CPL) and attention/vigilance changes in BLT. (E-F) Prediction of attention/vigilance changes from fusion sFC and dFC at pre-treatment of cerebellar subdivisions. sFC, static functional connectivity; dFC, dynamic functional connectivity; CPL, cerebellum posterior lobe; PANAS, Positive and Negative Affect Scale; BLT, bright light therapy; L, left; R, right.