Fig. 7. Topological clustering of the LRRK2net.
A The bar graph shows the 14 topological clusters identified in the LRRK2net via the Fast Greedy Algorithm. Cluster L, M, N were discarded from further analysis due to their small size (they contained ≤ 5 interactors). B The bar graph shows the impact of expression changes linked to the sPD condition on the edges of each topological cluster. Upregulated edges (in red) were defined as (1) with ≥ 1 connected interactor exhibiting increased expression level in sPD as compared to controls; and/or 2) 2 connected interactors positively co-expressed (with Pearson’s coefficient > 0.6) in sPD but not in controls. Downregulated edges (in blue) were defined in the opposite way: (1) with ≥ 1 connected interactor exhibiting decreased expression level in sPD as compared to controls; and/or (2) 2 connected interactors positively co-expressed (with Pearson’s coefficient > 0.6) in controls but not in sPD. The percentage of upregulated, unchanged and downregulated edges were compared within each cluster via One Sample Proportion test. Only Cluster A was significantly downregulated in sPD (p < 0.001, *). C Same as B but analysis comparing LRRK2-PD vs. Controls. Cluster A was significantly downregulated in LRRK2-PD (p < 0.05, *).