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. 2024 Aug 4;21(8):e14899. doi: 10.1111/iwj.14899


Demographic characteristics of patients with chronic wounds.

Number of wounds Number of patients (ulcer) Age (years), Sex Comorbidities Type of ulcer Localisation of wound Date of start Date of end Duration of observation (days) Number of measurements
1 1 37, M DM t.1 N F 2022‐04‐11 2023‐06‐15 66 5
2 2 71, F CVI V LL 2022‐04‐20 LTFU 1 1
3 3 81, F CVI, LC M LL 2022‐11‐03 2023‐01‐05 65 10
4 4 83, F CVI V LL 2022‐11‐08 2022‐11‐15 7 2
5 5 (u1) 93, F CVI, HT, DM t.2, HypoT M LL 2022‐11‐21 2023‐02‐16 88 5
6 5 (u2) 93, F CVI, HT, DM t.2, HypoT M LL 2022‐11‐21 2023‐02‐16 88 5
7 6 72, F CVI, HT, DM t.2, HypoT V LL 2022‐11‐28 2022‐12‐05 7 2
8 7 76, F CVI, HT, DM t.2 V LL 2022‐12‐05 LTFU 1 1
9 8 75, F CVI, HT, AT M LL 2022‐12‐06 2022‐12‐14 8 2
10 9 52, M DM t.2 N F 2022‐12‐07 LTFU 1 1
11 10 51, M CVI V LL 2022‐12‐14 2023‐02‐14 63 4
12 11 (u1) 60, M CVI V LL 2022‐12‐07 2023‐02‐15 77 17
13 11 (u2) 60, M CVI V LL 2022‐12‐12 2023‐02‐15 70 16
14 11 (u3) 60, M CVI V LL 2022‐12‐12 2023‐02‐15 70 16
15 11 (u4) 60, M CVI Ac LL 2023‐01‐05 2023‐01‐11 7 3
16 11 (u5) 60, M CVI Ac LL 2023‐01‐11 2023‐01‐13 4 2
17 11 (u6) 60, M CVI Ac LL 2023‐01‐11 2023‐01‐27 16 4
18 11 (u7) 60, M CVI V LL 2023‐03‐22 2023‐04‐19 28 8

Note: (a) Sex: F, female; M, male. (b) Comorbidities: CVI, chronic vein insufficiency; HT, hypertension; DM t.1/t.2, diabetes mellitus type 1/type 2; HypoT, hypothyroidism; AT, atherosclerosis; LC, lung cancer. (c) Type of ulcer: N, neuropathic; V, venous; M, mixed; Ac, acute. (d) Localisation: F, foot; LL, lower leg. (e) LTFU, lost to follow up.