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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Aug 5.
Published in final edited form as: Cell Rep. 2022 Oct 11;41(2):111479. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111479




αCD40 (Clone FGK45) JPP Biologics N/A
αPD1 (Clone RMP1–14) JPP Biologics N/A
αCTLA4 (Clone 4F10) JPP Biologics N/A
αCD4 (Clone GK1.5) JPP Biologics N/A
αCD8 (Clone YTS169) JPP Biologics N/A
αNK1.1 (Clone PK136) JPP Biologics N/A
αCSF1R (Clone AFS98) BioxCell Cat#BP0213
αIL12 (Clone R2–9A5) BioxCell Cat#BE0233
αCXCR3 (Clone CXCR3–173) BioxCell Cat#BE0249
Fc block eBioscience Cat#14–9161-73
APC/Cyanine7 rat anti-mouse CD45 (Clone 30-F11) BioLegend Cat#103116
PerCP/Cyanine5.5 rat anti-mouse CD45 Antibody (Clone 30-F11) BioLegend Cat#103131
APC mouse anti-mouse NK1.1 (Clone PK136) eBioscience Cat#17–5941-82
PE rat anti-mouse TCR β chain (Clone H57–597) BioLegend Cat#109208
CD8a (Clone 53–6.7) BioLegend Cat#100722
FITC rat anti-mouse F4/80 (Clone BM8) BioLegend Cat#123108
PE-Cy7 rat anti-mouse F4/80 (Clone BM8) eBioScience Cat#25–4801-82
PE rat anti-mouse CD11b (Clone M1/70 BD Biosciences Cat#553311
PerCP-Cyanine5.5 rat anti-mouse Ly6G (Clone 1A8) BD Biosciences Cat#560602
eFluor 450 rat anti-mouse Ly6C (Clone HK1.4) eBioscience Cat#48–5932-82
APC rat anti-mouse Ly6C (Clone HK1.4) BioLegend Cat#128016
APC rat anti-mouse CD206 (Clone C068C2) BioLegend Cat#141708
FITC rat anti-mouse CD11c (Clone 3.9) eBioscience Cat#11–0116-42
eFluor 450 rat anti-mouse MHC II (Clone M5/114.15.2) eBioscience Cat#48–5321-82
Brilliant Violet 785 rat anti-mouse MHC II (Clone M5/114.15.2) BioLegend Cat#107645
PE hamster anti-mouse CD103 (Clone 2E7) eBioscience Cat#12–1031-82
PE rat anti-mouse PDGFRα (Clone APA5) BioLegend Cat#135906
Pe-Cy7 rat anti-mouse CD31 (Clone 390) BioLegend Cat#102418
APC-Cy7 hamster anti-mouse PDPN (Clone 8.1.1) BioLegend Cat#127418
FITC rat anti-mouse EpCAM (Clone G8.8) BioLegend Cat#118208
Rabbit anti-mouse Fibronectin Abcam Cat#ab2143
Rabbit anti-mouse PDPN Abcam Cat#ab11936
Rabbit anti-mouse αSMA Abcam Cat#ab5694
Rabbit anti-mouse PDGFRβ Abcam Cat#ab32570
Rat anti-mouse CD8a (Clone 4SM15) eBioscience Cat#14–0808-82
Rabbit anti-mouse Granzyme B (Clone D6E9W) Cell Signaling Technology Cat#44153
Rabbit anti-mouse Perforin (Clone E3W4I) Cell Signaling Technology Cat#31647
Rabbit anti-rat biotinylated IgG (Avidin Biotin Complex kit) Vector Laboratories Cat#BA-4001
Goat anti-rabbit biotinylated IgG (Avidin Biotin Complex kit) Vector Laboratories Cat#BA-1000

Critical commercial assays

RN-easy Micro Plus kit Qiagen Cat#74034
RN-easy Mini Plus kit Qiagen Cat#74134
SuperScript IV First-Strand Synthesis System Invitrogen Cat#18091050
TaqMan Fast Universal PCR Master Mix (2X), no AmpErase UNG Applied Biosystems Cat#4352042

Deposited data

Bulk RNA sequencing data of KPC liver metastases from WT and HckKO mice This paper GEO repository GSE185540
Single cell RNA sequencing of human pancreatic cancer and mouse KPC tumors Elyada et al., 2019 Elyada et al., 2019
PMID: 31197017

Experimental models: Cell lines

Mouse KPC pancreatic cancer cells A/Prof Marina Pajic, The Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Australia. Vennin et al., 2017
PMID: 28381539

Experimental models: Organisms/strains

Mouse: Wild-type C57BL/6 In-house (Prof Matthias Ernst), The Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute. N/A
Mouse: HckKO In-house (Prof Clifford Lowell), The Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute. Lowell et al. (1994)
PMID: 8125254
Mouse: Rag1KO In-house (Prof Matthias Ernst), The Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute. N/A
Mouse: HckKO;Rag1KO In-house (Prof Matthias Ernst), The Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute. N/A
Mouse: ItgaxCreIrf8fl/fl In-house (Dr Michael Chopin), The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Australia. Chopin et al. (2013)
PMID: 24249112


See Table S12 for Taqman Probes N/A

Software and algorithms

Aperio ImageScope v11.2.0.780 Leica Biosystems
FIJI (ImageJ) Schneider et al. (2012)
PMID: 22930834
FlowJo (Version 10) Flowjo
GraphPad Prism Software (Version 8) GraphPad
Subread aligner (Rsubread version 2.2.6) Liao et al., 2013, 2019
PMIDs: 23558742 & 30783653
featureCounts (Rsubread version 2.2.6) Liao et al. 2014, 2019
PMIDs: 24227677 & 30783653
limma (3.44.3) Law et al. (2014)
PMID: 24485249
Ritchie et al. (2015)
PMID: 25605792
Seurat (version 4) Hao et al. (2021)
PMID: 34062119
R version 4.0.3 CRAN
cellCounts (Rsubread version 2.2.6) Liao et al., 2013, 2019
PMIDs: 23558742 & 30783653


DMEM/F-12 media Gibco Cat#11320033
HBSS media Gibco Cat#14170112
Ketamine Baxter N/A
Xylazine Ilium N/A
Isoflurane Baxter N/A
Carprofen Zoetis N/A
Bupivacaine AstraZeneca N/A
Gemcitabine Pfizer N/A
Neomycin ThermoFisher Cat#21810031
RK20449 Reagency Saito et al. (2013) PMID: 23596204
Captisol Captisol Cat#RC-0C7-K01
Collagenase / Dispase Roche Cat#11097113001
DNase I Roche Cat#10104159001
Sytox Blue Invitrogen Cat#S34857
Normal goat serum Gibco Cat#PCN5000