Table 1.
Summary of evidence and principles to support and enhance workplace mental health.
Protect against harm | Promote good health | Respond to ill health | |
Systems and policy | Develop systems to identify and mitigate harm | Consider policy to amplify positive aspects of work and engender wellbeing | Incorporate systems to respond to ill health |
Psychosocial risk assessment and management c Change management procedures c Provisions to uphold organizational justice c |
Comprehensive cross-systems models that influence job design and introduce a range of other employment welfare practices a | Equity, diversity, and inclusion policies c Return to Work programs b Facilitation of access to quality clinical care c |
Operational and team | Maintain a safe and healthy physical and social environment | Foster growth and wellbeing through physical and social environment | Facilitate help-seeking and provide a supportive recovery environment |
Preventative manager training b Mitigate hazardous physical conditions c Antibullying programs c |
Facilitated socialization (e.g., team cohesion programs, physical spaces) c Consideration of wellbeing in design of physical spaces b |
Responsive manager training a Supervisor support during recovery b Peer support programs b MH awareness/anti-stigma initiatives b |
Job | Design/Re-design work to minimize psychological harm | Design/Re-design work to build positive emotional states | Adjust work to support recovery |
Improve job control b Mitigate high-risk work b Increase job security c Limit long hours c Address effort-reward imbalance c |
Enhancements to worker autonomy b Job crafting b Comprehensive interventions addressing material, organizational, and working time-related conditions simultaneously a Employee participatory interventions b |
Appropriate work adjustments b Adjustments to work schedule and provision of additional support a |
Individual | Provide universal and selective prevention programs | Offer programs to improve personal wellbeing | Provide programs to reduce symptoms and illness |
Mindfulness programs a CBT programs a Physical health programs b Pre/post trauma exposure programs b Psychological first aid b |
Mindfulness programs a Positive psychology and resilience programs a CBT programs a Physical health programs b Individual coaching programs c |
Facilitated access to evidence-based care a CBT programs (face-to-face or digitally) a Employee Assistance Programs b Indicated physical exercise and/or mindfulness programs b |
CBT, Cognitive behavior therapy; MH, Mental health. aConsistent evidence supporting effect of interventions. bLimited evidence for specific interventions but sound principles for recommendation. cRecommendation made solely on principles with little or no research evidence for specific interventions.