Fig. 5.
Effect of Prog on glycolysis in GBM cells. A After treatment with Prog (40 µM) for 72 h, RNA extracts of T98G cells were subjected to RNS-seq. Genes involved in lipid and glucose metabolism were shown in the heatmaps B. C After treatment with Prog for 72 h, protein lysates of T98G cells were subjected to metabolomics analysis using HPLC-MS. D After treatment for 72 h, glycolytic activity of T98G cells was estimated by the Seahorse Glycolysis Stress Test. Experiments, each containing two replicates, were performed independently three times. E Western blotting for CDK1. F After transfection for 24 h and treatment with Prog for the additional 72 h, RNA extracts were harvested for RT-qPCR targeting ALDOC, PC and IDH3G. Experiments, each containing three replicates, were performed independently three times. (*P < 0.05)